Since Humans Aren't Creative Enough, Robots May Be Naming Our Beers Soon

by Jessie Donofrio on Aug 8, 2017 in Beer

With American breweries releasing tons of new brews weekly, naming those beers something unique has become increasingly difficult and sometimes legally problematic. Research scientist Janelle Shane decided to take matters into her own hands—well, actually, the hands of robots—by using artificial intelligence to generate unique beer names, according to Gizmodo.

Shane describes on her website that she used a data set of “hundreds of thousands” of beer names in over 90 different styles, from Beer Advocate’s website. She then used this data to train a neural network, which is a computer program that imitates datasets, to produce the list.

“It worked,” said Shane on her blog. “The neural network produced unique names that were plausible, or weirdly awesome, or so outlandish that they sounded like the sort of beer you could only buy after a multi-day scavenger hunt involving hang gliding, codebreaking, and Fairbanks, Alaska.”

Here’s some of the names that the robots came up with:
Dang River
Earth Dock IPA
Bigly Bomb Session IPA
Binglezard Flack
Jain Is The Dog
Earth 2 Sanebus
Tower Of Ergelon
Toe Deal
Juicy Dripple IPA
Flying Rocks IPA
Yall In Wool
Earth Pump
Heaven Cat
Heart Compost
Wicked Geee
Text 5 Of The IPA
Cockamarin Hard IPA
Test Tha IPA
Widee Banger Fripper IPA
Oarahe Momnila Day Revenge Bass Cornationn Yerve Of Aterid Ale
Strong Pale Ales
The Great Rebelgion
Trippel Lock
Thick Back
The Fraggerbar
Third Maus
Sip’s The Stunks Belgian Tripel
Third Danger
Track Of The Wind
Devil’s Chard
Spore Of Gold
The Actoompe
Brother Panty Tripel
The Oldumbrett’s Ring
The Vunker The Finger
Gunder Of Traz
Cherry Boof Cornester
Strange Fast
Humple La Bobstore Barrel Aged
Thrennt Rem Wine Barrel Aged Monkay Tripel
So, could us mortals have come up with “Toe Deal IPA” without the help of artificial intelligence? I’m not sure. All I am sure of is that I'm shocked "Brother Panty Triple" isn’t already taken.  

To see the full list of AI beer names, check out Janelle Shane's blog.

Photo via Flickr user squawkr

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