Female Brewers Have Teamed Up to Create a Charitable Anti-Trump Brew

by Jessie Donofrio on Jan 10, 2017 in Beer

A group of six female badasses from breweries in Denver, Colorado have partnered to create a charitable beer just in time for Donald Trump's inauguration on January 20.

The beer is named “Makin Noise: A Pussy Riot Beer” as an homage to the Russian feminist band and protest group and as a rebuke to the sexist comments made by the president-elect throughout his campaign. It is an imperial saison aged on strawberry puree as a play on the stereotype that women love fruity beer. It also has a bright red hue.

Bess Dougherty of Wynkoop Brewing told Westword, “It will look like a delicate beer, but it will knock you on your ass.” With between an 8-9% ABV this statement is true in more ways than one.

Besides Dougherty, the brewers include Jess Anderson of 3 Freaks Brewing, Alyssa Hoberer of Dry Dock Brewing, Katie Cochrane of Great Divide Brewing, Kelissa Heiber from Goldspot Brewing, and Betsy Lay from Lady Justice Brewing.

An excerpt from the mission statement of the brew on reads: “This beer works to combat the hate and oppression while also lending support and solidarity to the fight for equality. We believe in this beautiful community, and we feel it is necessary to work together to protect it. We believe in an America that celebrates its diversity, an America that protects and supports anyone regardless of sexual orientation, gender, identity, race, religious views or immigration status.”

If you live in Denver you can grab one of the beers at an Inauguration Day tapping. Five breweries will be tapping the beer, including 3 Freaks, which will donate to Conservation Colorado, Goldspot to One Colorado an LGBTQ charity, Black Sky to Planned Parenthood, Lady Justice to the ACLU, and Brewability Lab whose charity has yet to be announced. Colorado Plus Brew Pub will also tap the beer on January 28 and plans to donate at least $1 from every sale to charity. 

A quote from brewer Kelissa Heiber on a blog post about the brew states: “Despite a kneejerk reaction to assume that an inauguration day release insinuates a protest to Trump. However, our only desire for this beer to to incite a larger sense of community and to stand up against injustice.” 

Photo via Goldspot Brewing on Facebook

Tags: Beer, Charity, Fundraiser, News
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