Drinks Featured in Movies

by The Drink Nation on Oct 19, 2011 in Roundups
Drinks Featured in Movies

Following up on the Hollywood theme (yesterday we looked at six celebrity winemakers), we thought it would be fun to take a look at movies where a beverage has a prominent – if not starring – role. Turns out there are a whole lot of films in which booze plays a part. With the help of the Philadelphia Film Society, we’ve come up with a list.

Cocktail is probably the movie that holds the record for mentioning the highest number of cocktails. As bartender Brian Flanagan, Tom Cruise – hot off the success of Top Gun – only actually makes three for the camera: a Red Eye (beer, tomato juice, spices, raw egg); Turquoise Blue (a made up drink, strained into a martini glass), and a daiquiri (he makes it frozen and pours it into a hurricane glass).

Here are several other connections throughout the years:

The Big Lebowski White Russian
The Dude requires these to keep abiding, we figure.

Blue Velvet Pabst Blue Ribbon
Can't really gain more street cred than having Dennis Hopper shout you out.

Bonfire of the Vanities Sidecar
A drink so delicious, it’s worth risking your health for, even if you are married to Melanie Griffith.

Casablanca French 75
Named after a World War I event, the brandy cocktail is ordered as a subtle dig toward Nazis.

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas Singapore Sling
One of the least potent intoxicants imbibed during the film.

Fletch Bloody Mary
Goes perfectly with a steak sandwich. Or two.

The Godfather Part IIBanana Daiquiri
It’s pronounced the same, wherever you are, Fredo learns from his brother Michael.

Groundhog Day- Sweet Vermouth
On the rocks with a twist, again, and again, and again.

Guys and Dolls Milk Punch
Brando calls Bacardi a “preservative” to keep the milk from turning sour. Who are we to disagree?

James Bond Martini
Shaken, not stirred, of course. 007 has also been known to quaff a Vesper.

Miami Vice Mojito
What’s the best place to get this tropical rum drink? Cuba, of course, consequences be dammed.

Moulin Rouge Absinthe
The notorious Green Fairy is the featured spirit at this establishment.

Tootsie - Dubonnet with a twist
The most feminine drink Dustin Hoffman’s character could think of.

Saturday Night Fever 7&7
If it’s good enough for John Travolta, it’s good enough for us.

Sex and the City Cosmopolitan
We place blame squarely on this movie for the Cosmo’s popularity.

Sideways Pinot Noir
We can thank this wine country film for this varietal's rise in popularity – sales increased more than 15% following the release.

Some Like it Hot Manhattans
If Marilyn Monroe can make this classic cocktail in a hot water bottle, anyone can!

What are your favorite starring cocktails?

Tags: Beer, Spirits, Wine
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